
Tuesday 24 August 2004

A new type of microwave.

BusinessPundit has found this amazing new device.

Unveiling its invention Monday to the media, Sharp said the microwave generates "superheated steam" at a temperature of about 572 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to melt fat and reduce oil and salt from steak, chicken, fish and other foods.
The company said the new oven can remove eight times more fat off a 200 gram beefsteak than if prepared in a frying pan, leading to a 13 percent reduction in calories.
But reducing the fat and calories of your meals will come at a price. Sharp said it expected the "AX-HC1" to sell for about ¥126,000, or $1,153, several times the price of a typical microwave oven that might retail in Japan for around ¥20,000.

Fascinating technology, but will anyone buy such a pricy bit of kit when George Foreman's grills are so cheap?


  1. George Foreman grills are the work of the devil. Oh sure, they cook things, but then you have to clean the damn thing and you discover that the hotplates don't come off and you have to scrub them in situ.

    And if Sharp's invention is a good one, the price will plummet: when I first wrote about DVD players, a rubbish one was more than a grand. Now you can get better ones for £40...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. George Foreman's grills are utter class. You obviously have not been entrusted with the mystic secret of how to clean them fairly easily. I scoff at you, O uninitiated one! Making the hotplates removable would be a vast improvement, though, yes.

    All the rage in France just now are slabs of polished rock with heating elements. Way cool. I have one, but only used it a couple of times before it went into storage.


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