Monday 14 March 2005

Zero tolerance.

Rob links to... well, to me, twice, which is very nice of him. More importantly, he also links to this:

A George Rogers Clark High School junior arrested Tuesday for making terrorist threats told LEX 18 News Thursday that the "writings" that got him arrested are being taken out of context.

Winchester police say William Poole, 18, was taken into custody Tuesday morning. Investigators say they discovered materials at Poole's home that outline possible acts of violence aimed at students, teachers, and police.

So far, so balanced. What did they find, then, and what context did they take it out of?

Poole told LEX 18 that the whole incident is a big misunderstanding. He claims that what his grandparents found in his journal and turned into police was a short story he wrote for English class.

Well, over-the-top though that may sound, a short story about, say, gunning down half the school could indicate some feelings that the police might need to know about before you act on them. Maybe. So what was the story about?

"... It was about a high school over ran by zombies."

Ah, but maybe Poole has access to witchcraft or alien technology, and is planning to commit suicide, resurrect himself, lurch to school, and then start strangling people.

The police are just being silly here. Surely this nonsense will be chucked out of court.

On Thursday, a judge raised Poole's bond from one to five thousand dollars after prosecutors requested it, citing the seriousness of the charge.


This guy was turned in to the police by his grandparents. Please tell me there's more to this story than it appears.

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